Afternoon Teas

(half termly on a Sunday, 3.30-5pm in The Pathfinder CofE Primary School Hall)

Every half term, Pathfinder Church Northstowe host an afternoon tea that not only brings together those from across the Northstowe Church Network (those involved in Little ExplorersCompline, etc) but also our friends, neighbours, and those involved in other community groups. It is a joy to see those of  all religious and non religious backgrounds simply spending time together. Often, we'll serve a seasonal treat - pancakes, hot cross buns - or scones and cakes.

For many, this is simply a time to "hang out" and be. The tables have board games and colouring. The baby and toddler area is set up. And news is shared on the rolling screen.

Around the room, there will also be various activity and reflection stations. Some of these might be Prayer Stations or Exploration Stations from the recent Sunday Gathering series, or linked to an upcoming festival. Others will simply be for fun.

We always set up a "side chapel" as a quiet place where anyone can pause and reflect. We are often able to offer a simple poetic spoken communion service as an option, while other activities continue.

The Deckchair Listening Project

We thank the Growing Faith Foundation for the funds to expand our collection of deckchairs.


As well as offering seasonal activities in our worshipping communities, festivals are a great time to come together with others from the Northstowe Church Network as well as the wider Northstowe Community,.

The next major festival will be Ascension (May 9th)  and Pentecost (19th May)

Latest News from the Network

News Release: 25th January 2024, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Pathfinder Church Northstowe launches the Northstowe Church Network in celebration of ecumenical and community partnership 

The new town of Northstowe is being built on former RAF land near Cambridge. Just 1,500 of the planned 10,000 homes (upward of 25,000 residents) have been built. But, already, this new town is characterised by people working together to make a difference. Pathfinder Church has brought together those from across the Christian traditions and those new to faith. As they have put down roots in Northstowe, their commitment to “praying, exploring, and sharing” has inspired partnerships with schools, councils, and developers. To allow more fresh expressions of church to form, and to facilitate new community partnerships and a potential new community centre, a new legal framework has been set up. The Northstowe Church Network is a local ecumenical partnership of the Church of England, United Reformed Church, and Baptist Union of Great Britain.  What unites those involved in this new charity is much more than denominational background. It is rooted, growing, and transforming faith based on an encounter with the eternal God who still changes lives today...

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Northstowe Church Network

The Northstowe Church Network is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Ely’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services."