Pathfinder Church explores Isaiah

eating, drinking, praying, exploring and sharing together 

What a great start!

What a Holy and beautiful afternoon, as we gathered across the generations to start our Autumn exploration of the rich ancient prophecies found in the book of Isaiah, and to share in communion. This week, in chapter 44, we thought about what it means for God to be set apart as Holy... and yet also how intimate and special is the relationship God draws us into. And, in the process, transforms our fears, ourselves, and the world around us.

This afternoon held peace, space to reflect, deep conversations, and a tangible sense of encounter with the living God!

Join us for more next week, as we head over to our Parish Church of All Saints's Longstanton to celebrate a baptism and God as Creator.

Setting the Scene

TOP TIP: The Book Called Isaiah is not a single narrative story. Think of it rather a carefully curated collection of writings with different styles, characters, and original audiences - but brought together in such a way that this "collage" also speaks to future readers . Find out more in our upcoming series..

Getting an overview of Isaiah

It is hard to pick up and read ancient books without context, so you may like to watch these two excellent videos from the Bible Project to get some background, and to scope out the big picture before you dive in. The poster they create along the way is a really useful reference point too.

All summer, whether we were able to meet together in person, or whether our work or personal lives take us out of Northstowe, we had an opportunity to start to dip our toes into one of the most rich and satisfying stories of our rooted-faith: the collection of writings known as “Isaiah”. 

Already, Isaiah 54 has helped us shape and articulate our sense of calling here in Northstowe. We are now taking part in an in-depth exploration of what Isaiah can teach us about the nature of God during our “Kaleidoscope God” Autumn Series.  And these prophecies regularly feature in the Advent and Christmas stories. So what better way to set the scene than an invitation to start to read and journal your way through this great work – at a pace that works for you?  What better way to set the scene than an invitation to start to read and journal your way through this great work – at a pace that works for you, dipping into, or reading as much of the books of Isaiah as feels achievable – from wherever you are.  There are three ways we can help this happen:

1.     You could borrow one of the 8 Church Journaling Bibles (Good News Translation) and try it out through the summer, with a particular focus on journaling in Isaiah. Then, in September, bring it back, offering your doodles, prayers, and questions back as a gift to us all as we reopen the Table Top Boxes each week

2.     You could take away-and-keep a [church funded] gift of a single-book edition paperback – the perfect size to fit in your suitcase! Either the brilliant Dyslexic Friendly Good News Translation of Isaiah  or the slimline ESV Illustrated Journaling Bible Book of Isaiah 

3.      Or you can use whatever you already use – your own journaling bible, phone app, audio version etc.

How are you going to read along? On your phone? Your Bible? Or talk to us about a special paperback edition...
Our WEEK ONE questions. Come and join the conversation over Ice Cream at Stephen's (3.30 on Sunday 23rd July)

praying, exploring and sharing

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