Stewardship and giving

Stewardship is about being responsible for the things God has given us. We are passionate about caring for God’s creation; getting involved in many sustainability related projects.
Stewardship is also about using our gifts, time, skills and money well; recognising God has given us all these things.

Giving is part of our Christian discipleship and as Christians in Northstowe we have the responsibility as well as the privilege of financing God’s work here. We recognise that people’s time and financial circumstances are very different: only you know the balance of time and money that is appropriate for you. Please prayerfully consider what is possible for you in this season.

Why does a church need giving from local members?

As Christians in Northstowe, we have the responsibility as well as the privilege of financing God’s work here. 

We have benefitted greatly from initial start-up grants: we thank the Growing Faith Foundation for supporting our church-school-community partnerships in 2023 and 2024. We are grateful to the Church of England for providing initial funding to cover our start up costs over two years (2018-19), for providing our minister’s housing, and for working with the Benefact Trust to make up the costs of funding our lead minister as we work towards local financial maturity. We also thank the Church Schools of Cambridge for helping us support youthwork in Northstowe during 2022 and 2023.

However, in due course, the local charity is expected to fund the running costs of everything that we do: rent and resources for gatherings;  pay, housing, and expenses of our ministers; the salary and expenses of other potential staff team (e.g. youth worker, administrator, caretaker and cleaner); and the running costs of the church office and any future church building.

Thanks to generous giving from our current members, we currently cover the costs associated with hire of venues, resources, hospitality, and office costs. We are meeting our agreed share of the (currently subsidized) costs of paying for our lead minister, but will be expected to take on the full amount as we grow.

As a partnership bringing together different church traditions, we benefit greatly from their regional and national support. Therefore, part of our financial maturity will be to make appropriate contributions to the wider work of all our partner church bodies. We are working with regional experts from our partner churches (our “Ecumenical Support Cabinet”) to ensure we make the right balance of direct funding versus centralised contributions, appropriate to the various church traditions.

Aware we can’t live out our values of praying, exploring, and sharing alone, we also give on to ministries that align with our mission-values to help them, too, to make a difference. These have included Toilet Twinning, The Children’s Society, Send A Cow, DEC, The Northstowe Youth Hive, and, currently  International Justice Mission and CCHP.

In addition to such normal church activities, we are also about to embark on fundraising for a potential ‘House of Prayer and Hospitality’ in Northstowe. We have been invited to bid to take on responsibility for a piece of land which the developers were legally obliged to set aside for the good of the whole Northstowe community. The developers will provide the winning community group with the land without cost. But, should we win the bid, we will need to fund all build and operating costs. We are grateful for a major financial commitment being offered by the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church.  If successful in our bid, we will also be able to approach external grant funders, but they will expect to see significant local fundraising efforts.

We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of all of our donors – thank you! 

Ways to support us: 

  • In prayer. 
  • Giving time and sharing your skills – much of our ministry relies on the time and support of our volunteers. 
  • Regular gifts by Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme
  • One of gifts through our online portal at GiveALittle.
  • Single gifts by BACS, or by cheque, card or cash via our treasurer.
  • Using our EasyFundraising link when shopping online
  • Leaving a bequest  in your will.  

Make your gift go further with Gift Aid 

Please remember to Gift Aid your gift  if you are a UK taxpayer and satisfy the required criteria.  Our online giving forms handle gift aid directly. But if you are making a direct donations, please ask us  for a gift aid form. If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. For more information on how to claim back this tax, please visit the HMRC website

What to know more about how we spend the money you donate?
Visit our Governance page and download the latest Annual Report

Charitable Giving and Mission Partners


As the Northstowe Church Network, we know that there are places where we cannot personally give hands on support. So, in keeping with our Christian ethos, we commit to work with other organisations, locally, nationally, and internationally.  We try to make a significant difference to a small number of causes (rather than spreading our support thinly) and make a commitment for several years when needed.  Our aim is to develop a relationship of accountability and trust which we do by praying regularly for them, receiving updates on how our contributions are being spent and hosting speakers. In 2023, we were delighted to support the following as a church:



A global organisation working with local authorities, partners and survivors to stop slavery and violence. As a Partner Church, we have committed to pray for the work of IJMUK, and benefit from regular updates from the team at IJMUK. We encourage individuals to sign up to get the IJM prayer mailings directly. We also fundraise for the work of IJM, and were delighted to be able to give £500 in 2023.
 In their latest update they wrote:
I wanted to email to say a HUGE thank you for your Christmas gift to help stop slavery and violence. Your kind donation of £500 will help IJM’s work with authorities to bring more children, men, and women like Zoey* to safety and support them as they overcome trauma. Today, over 1,000 children are safe from abuse in the Philippines – thanks to the support of people like you. Zoey was a child when she was trafficked and abused by people she thought she could trust, for sex offenders around the world to watch online. Zoey endured four years of abuse before she was brought to safety by IJM and Philippine authorities. A Swedish man was convicted for directing and watching her abuse online. With support from IJM social workers and her friends, Zoey began to recover and decided to go to college to study psychology. She hopes to be a licensed psychologist one day to help other children heal from trauma and find hope for the future.  Today, Zoey is a member of the Philippine Survivor Network, a group of survivors who are using their experiences to shape and lead the movement to protect children from violence.

Thank you for being part of the movement, until all are free.
“I see how my story inspires others. I want to let others know how I endured my past and how I was able to overcome.” - Zoey (*Pseudonym. To protect survivor, her face has been obscured. Consent gathered for all images.)


Closer to home, we have supported the work of Cambridge Churches Homeless Project - a collection of churches and a synagogue that work together to offer practical care and support to people who would otherwise be sleeping rough in Cambridge  each winter.
“The growing challenge of homelessness in our society is one of the great scandals of our time. Christian communities, recognising the immeasurable value of every individual, must continue to witness to the dignity of the homeless, to serve their needs, and to challenge society to confront a situation which is shameful for a wealthy nation and a prosperous city.” Dr. Rowan Williams | former patron, CCHP.
In 2023, we were able to give £500 to support the work of this small local charity as they:
  • provide meals and support services through our volunteer network at the winter shelter provided by Cambridge City Council in partnership with It Takes a City at Crossways on Chesterton Road,
  • provide emergency accommodation and support to those who fall through the safety net of statutory provision, and
  • provide funding for the post of Bishop of Ely’s Officer for the Homeless which provides chaplaincy, practical and pastoral support to the Homeless. The post is currently vacant but they are hoping that it will be filled in the near future, as it has proved a valuable and much appreciated service to the homeless community.

Sign up to the eNews

Most weeks we send a general eNews, with news from across the Northstowe Church Network.
As we grow, we're hoping to start to tailor these updates, so that you get the news that really matters to you.
So, for example, if you are primarily part of the Little Explorers community, you might also/only want to get focused Little Explorers updates - please check the relevant boxes
Equally, if you are following our eNews as a prayer-supporter or friend from a partnership organization, let us know, and we'll send you occasional messages with our Big News.

The Northstowe Church Network is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Ely’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.