Patterns of Prayer

We recognise that we all have different shapes to our lives right now. So it is hard to align our diaries to meet in person to pray. Therefore, we invite you to join in the pattern that Beth and Stephen are using this term, while pausing and praying each day at a time and place that works for you  

We don't have a "church building" here in Northstowe, so our many of our events take place in the everyday places we find ourselves. Some are in people's homes. Others are in hired community spaces, often the Primary School. Some things happen in the park!  Contact us if you need venue updates.


MONDAY PRAYER PROMPT: Start the day (from wherever you are) praying for The Pathfinder C of E Primary School, as well as the schools on the Northstowe Education Campus, and those known to you.


TUESDAY PRAYER PROMPT: Pause at lunchtime to pray (from wherever you are) with a particular focus on the needs of those around us. Prayer During the Day (see Join us in a service of Daily Prayer or Time to Pray app) on Tuesday often concludes “May Christ our redeemer bring us healing and wholeness.”


WEDNESDAY PRAYER PROMPT: Over your morning cuppa, why not pray (from wherever you are) for our Northstowe community. If you are in the Interim Community Space you might see Beth or Stephen – do exchange prayer requests with them if you do!


THURSDAY PRAYER PROMPT: Why not dispense with words, and try listening for God in the Silence? You might like to join Compline too 

Compline [Night Prayer] (Fortnightly during Term, 8-9pm)

Everyone is welcome to dip in and join the missional and worshiping community who meet for silence and poetic liturgies on alternate Thursdays. 

Or simply download the Church of England's Time to Pray app to get the words to Night Prayer on your phone, or visit the website: Join us in a service of Daily Prayer | The Church of England

If there are things that you'd like us to bring before God in the silence, just let the ministers know.


This is the normal Rest Day for our Ministers. 
FRIDAY PRAYER PROMPTS: As (for some!) the school and working week draws to an end, reflect on where you have noticed God this week. How might you record that - in a journal? Colouring? Conversation with a friend? 

Useful Prayer Resources

Ten Minutes of Silence with our Northstowe Sand Timer


Centering Prayer (one way to pray with Silence)

‘Choose a sacred word as a symbol of your intention to consent to God’s presence and action within – e.g. Lord, Jesus, Father, Kyrie, Abba, Love, Peace, Mercy. Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the sacred word. When you become aware of thoughts, return ever so gently to the sacred word. At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.’ [adapted from Thomas Keating, Intimacy with God: An Introduction to Centering Prayer, Crossroad Publishing, 1996].

Useful Prayer Apps and Prayer Podcasts

Lectio 365 - Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. There is also an excellent Families edition

Church of England Daily Prayer - Access web-based  full-text versions of CofE Services of Daily Prayer, which are available in both Contemporary (Common Worship) and Traditional (Book of Common Prayer) forms and for all times of the day. Audio files are also available. With links to Time to Pray and Daily Prayer Apps.
Celtic Daily Prayer - online resources from the Northumbria Community (abbreviated from their excellent published books with a cycle of prayers and readings)

Pray as you go - Pray As You Go is a daily, audio prayer app that helps you to encounter God wherever you are. This will help you to pray whenever you find the time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work or study.

Want to know more or stay in touch?

The Northstowe Church Network is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Ely’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.