"I’ve really enjoyed being part of Pathfinder Church. I am excited by the chance for us to work together to build a community of Christians in Northstowe and the surrounding villages. I’d like to get to know you all better and I look forward to finding new ways for us to support each other in growing our connection with God and the impact that has on our lives. I’d also like to do my bit to help with the practical functioning of our new church."
to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Northstowe Church Network takes seriously the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. This images below gives information and advice on what to do if you suspect abuse, and is particularly helpful if you are in a position of responsibility within the church.
The Northstowe Church Network continues the practice of Pathfinder Church, and has adopted the Church of England's policy document, which can be downloaded here: Promoting a Safer Church (pdf)
Click on the images to download a PDF versions of our current paperwork.
The Northstowe Church Network (an ecumenical partnership of the United Reformed Church, Baptist Union, and Church of England) believes that all people are created in God’s image and are loved by God. In his ministry Jesus showed God’s love by his openness to all people, including those who were marginalised in his day.
This church affirms its commitment to show the same openness to all people in today’s world. It intends in spirit and in deed to promote equality of opportunity and diversity in all spheres of its activity and is committed to behaving as an equal opportunity organisation. It acknowledges that people are called to be diverse and lively, inclusive and flexible through the sharing of the gospel.
We are registered with the Parish Giving Scheme, or there are other ways to give your time, prayers, or financial support.. [continue reading]